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School of Engineering
School of Engineering
School of Engineering
School of Engineering / Bachelor
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Aviatik
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Aviatik / Semester 1
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Aviatik / Semester 2
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Aviatik / Semester 3
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Aviatik / Semester 4
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Aviatik / Semester 5
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Aviatik / Semester 6
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Aviatik / Archiv 19/20
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Aviatik / Archiv 20/21
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Elektrotechnik
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Elektrotechnik / Archiv
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Elektrotechnik / Archiv 18/19
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Elektrotechnik / Archiv 19/20
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Elektrotechnik / Archiv 20/21
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Energie- und Umwelttechnik
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Energie- und Umwelttechnik / Archiv 18/19
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Energie- und Umwelttechnik / Archiv 19/20
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Energie- und Umwelttechnik / Archiv 20/21
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Informatik
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Informatik / Archiv 17/18
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Informatik / Archiv 18/19
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Informatik / Archiv 19/20
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Informatik / Archiv 19/20 / Informatik (ex-HSZ-T)
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Informatik / Archiv 19/20 / Informatik (ex-HSZ-T) / Seminare Herbstsemester
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Informatik / Archiv 19/20 / Informatik (ex-HSZ-T) / Seminare Frühlingssemester
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Informatik / Archiv 19/20 / Informatik (ex-HSZ-T) / Organisatorisches
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Informatik / Archiv 19/20 / Informatik (ex-HSZ-T) / Archiv
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Informatik / Archiv 20/21
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Maschinentechnik
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Maschinentechnik / Archiv 18/19
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Maschinentechnik / Archiv 19/20
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Maschinentechnik / Archiv 20/21
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Material- und Verfahrenstechnik
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Material- und Verfahrenstechnik / Archiv 18/19
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Material- und Verfahrenstechnik / Archiv 19/20
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Material- und Verfahrenstechnik / Archiv 20/21
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Systemtechnik
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Systemtechnik / Archiv
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Systemtechnik / Archiv 18/19
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Systemtechnik / Archiv 19/20
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Systemtechnik / Archiv 20/21
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Verkehrssysteme
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Verkehrssysteme / VS-Archiv
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Verkehrssysteme / VS-Archiv / Archiv VS15
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Verkehrssysteme / VS-Archiv / Archiv VS16
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Verkehrssysteme / VS-Archiv / Archiv VS17
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Verkehrssysteme / VS-Archiv / Archiv VS18
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Verkehrssysteme / VS-Archiv / Archiv VS19
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Verkehrssysteme / VS-Archiv / Archiv VS20
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen / Archiv
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen / Archiv 18/19
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen / Archiv 19/20
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen / Archiv 20/21
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Studiengangübergreifend
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Studiengangübergreifend / Informatik Grundlagen
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Studiengangübergreifend / Kontext
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Studiengangübergreifend / Mathematik
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Studiengangübergreifend / Naturwissenschaften
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Studiengangübergreifend / Archiv 17/18
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Studiengangübergreifend / Archiv 18/19
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Studiengangübergreifend / Archiv 19/20
School of Engineering / Bachelor / Studiengangübergreifend / Archiv 20/21
School of Engineering / Studiengangübergreifend
School of Engineering / Studiengangübergreifend / Archiv
School of Engineering / Studiengangübergreifend / Archiv / Sprache im Beruf
School of Engineering / Studiengangübergreifend / ILC Kommunikationskurse
School of Engineering / Studiengangübergreifend / Mathematik
School of Engineering / Studiengangübergreifend / Tests
School of Engineering / Studiengangübergreifend / Marktplatz Wahlmodule FS2010
School of Engineering / Weiterbildung
School of Engineering / Weiterbildung / DAS Schweisstechnologie
School of Engineering / Weiterbildung / MAS Prozess- und Logistikmanagement
School of Engineering / Weiterbildung / MAS Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen
School of Engineering / Weiterbildung / Bereich Informatik (Achtung: Alle Kurse sind im neuen Moodle ab HS21!)
School of Engineering / Weiterbildung / MAS Patent- und Markenwesen
School of Engineering / Weiterbildung / Archiv Weiterbildung
School of Engineering / Weiterbildung / MAS Data Science
School of Engineering / InES
School of Engineering / Studiengangsunabhängige Kurse
School of Engineering / Studiengangsunabhängige Kurse / Vorkurse
School of Engineering / Studiengangsunabhängige Kurse / Testkurse
School of Engineering / Studiengangsunabhängige Kurse / Kurse für Mitarbeitende
School of Engineering / Studiengangsunabhängige Kurse / Kurse für Studierende
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Studiengangsunabhängige Kurse
Veco1 Semesterendprüfung
BADM Prüfung 2021
Infrastructure Airspace and Air Navigation Services
CT2-Zwischenpruefung FS21 scia
FS21 Computertechnik 2 Klausur (giei)
Testwiese für Moodlefragen
Probeprüfung Physik 3 FS21
IT19a_ZH CT2 Zwischenprüfung (kocb)
StMo-Zwischenpruefung (Templ)
to del METE2 Teil 3 FS21
Preparation Course English for International profile B2 (FS21, Winterthur)
WBK-Moderne Steuerungsprogrammierung
COM2 (FS21)
Analysis 2 FS 21 XXM1 henr (Montag, Winterthur)
Statistisches Data Mining FS21 fret
Communication Competence 2 FS21 (guri)
COM2 FS21 Saturday (husc)
ST.PM4 Electronics Support
COM 2 (Dreesen/Kuske)
COM-2 Kuske/Dreesen
STATIK MT20b t.BA.MT.ST.19HS.V/2021.FS.002
FS21 Computertechnik 2 (giei)
Service Engineering Lab
Communication Competence_FS21_Saturday (husc)
Verkehr und Megatrends FS21
Analysis 2 - FS21 - WIN - geba
Analysis 2 - FS21 - IT20tb_ZH
Mechanik - Statik
Festigkeitslehre 2 - Vorlesung/2021.FS.002
Elektrotechnik 2 ET2 FS21
Festigkeitslehre 2 - Vorlesung/2021.FS.001
COM2 FS21 (bema/simp, K5)
Physik 2 für EU und MT, FS21 (escl)
Digitalisierung technischer Wirtschaftssysteme
Advanced Methods in Statistical Modelling FS21
Computertechnik 2 - FS21 - scia
Statistisches Modellieren FS21 WI19t
Statik - Vorlesung/2021.FS.001
Moderne Physik FS21
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